Dec.2014: received the definitive license in Ecuador with the callsign
This was quick and easy thanks to Gustavo Barreiro HC1BG, the President of the Quito Radio Club where I got the membership.
This is the Google Earth map of my new location, about 20 km. from Quito, at 8.000 feet altitude: Location is 0°10’31” South – 78°22’33” West – Grid Loc. FI09tt

The house has been completed and me and my wife are already living here for a new adventure. On top of the living room a big picture of my birthplace taken 40 years ago from the IV3PRK antenna !

Here is the TX antenna with the K2AV FCP, no radials at all.

This is the entrance panel for all TX and RX coax and control cables. Two Poliphaser protectors are used and all the station chassis are connected here to the same ground rod and the house grounding system through a large copper sheet as recommended by W8JI .
All my equipment has been safely carried here and the shack is exactly the same as it was for IV3PRK in Italy.
I carried also a lot of cables, spare parts and all the stuff required to build and test every kind of 160m. antennas. Down here one of the several tried, the four Pennants hub (seen from my equatorial vegetable garden).

….and finally this is the Cotopaxi volcan (5,897 m. high) back on activity after 138 years, as seen from my shack window!

August 22, 2015