IV3PRK Pierluigi "Luis" Mansutti (ex HC1PF)

  160 meters Band: DXing on the Edge


Some years ago I was used to have, in the winter season, a couple of single 175 m.  Beverages stretched outside of my property and for sure they were better than any other Rx antenna in their favourite direction, but that was a nuisance!

After reading the excellent  article by OH2BEN on his two-wire Beverage, I decided to try also such an antenna and I laid it in the only available space, far enough from the Tx antenna and its elevated radials.

To better understand the matter I put here an old article by Tom, W8JI “A Practical Reversible Beverage” published on “Communications Quarterly” of Spring 1997 (unfortunately that great magazine is not issued any more).

In this “Two-wire Beverage”  paper I put all the notes and pictures of my work, but also the documentation about the “noise mystery” and discussions about that with my friend Gary, KD9SV. Later on, the culprit was found and the “noise mystery” solved as written is this short paper “Two-wire Beverage FOLLOW-UP”.