3C – Equatorial Guinea
3C5A by Marvin N5AW and Phil N6ZZ, Nov. 1996

3C0 – Annobon is.
3C0E, another DXpedition to Annobon is. by Elmo EA5BYP and EA5KM, with FB sigs on 160 m.
9J2GA George, June 1994
9Q – Democratic Republic of Congo
9Q5BQ By Pierre HB9AMO, July 2001 9Q1EK by Georges VE2EK, Mar. 2007
9Q1TB Phil, June 2007 9Q50ON by PA3EWP and Belgium Group, Dec. 2010
9U5CW by Alfredo EA1FH, June 1996 9U5D by Gus SM5DIC, Oct. 1999
9U4U by Rockall DX Group, Feb. 2013

9X/SM5DIC Gus, Dec. 1994 9X5EE, Jan. 1995
9X4WW by Mark ON4WW, 1995-1997 9X0R, International DXpedition Mar. 2008
9X0CW DXpedition by Rudi DK7PE, Feb. 2010
D2CW DXpedition by Rudi DK7PE, July 1992 D2EYE by Kim OZ1EYE, Jan. 1994

S92SS Charles, Oct. 1994 S9SS Charles, Dec. 2002
S9A and S9BB by OH2BH & OH2PM, Nov.2004 S9DX, a German DXpedition, Febr. 2011
TJ1GB by Bob Ferrero W6RJ, Feb. 1998 TJ3FR by Sigi DL7DF Group, Oct. 2004
TL – Central African Republic
TL5A By Alex PA3DZN, June 1998 TL8NG Gene, Jan. 1994
TL0CW another one by Rudi DK7PE, Oct.2011

TN – Congo
TN5SN by Nicolas F8FQX, Nov. 2008 TN2T DXpedition, Feb. 2012
TN2MS, another one in Oct. 2013
TR8XX Jean-Claude, Aug. 1992
TT8AMO by Pierre HB9AMO, Apr. 2005
ZD7K a Chiltern DX Club DXpedition, Apr.2001 ZD7F by Franz DL9GFB, Oct. 2004
ZD7XF by Nigel G3TXF, March 2012
ZD8M Mike, Nov. 1993 ZD8Z by Jim Neiger N6TJ, Jan. 1994
ZD8O by Marko N5ZO, Oct. 2011