4U1UN – United Nations Headquarters
CY0AA by VE9AA, K8LEE and WA8JOC, June 1996

CY9 - St. Paul Is.
CY9A by KW2P & Co., July 1995
FP - St. Pierre & Miquelon

FP/N9AU for the CQWW SSB contest 1995 FP/VE7SV DXpedition, October 2004
FP/K9OT Paul, August 2003 FP/K8DD and FP/K8MM in Nov. 2005
VP9 - Bermuda

XE - Mexico
One of my first DX on Feb.1986 in SSB Ramòn XE1KK, one of the leading world DXers
XE1RCS: easy to work in every contest Another contest station on Texas border
Armando is very active at all seasons XF3/OH2NSM and XF3/OH3JF in Jan./Feb.1996
XE2S Marco from rare square DL, March 2013

XF4 – Revilla Gigedo
XF4DL , Mexican-German DXpedition, Oct. 2006, with Dietmar DL3DXX on 160m.