6Y – Jamaica

N6TV and W4SO/6Y5 in 1997 SSB 6Y2A in CQWW CW 1998

6Y3R in CQWW CW 2006 6Y5/WE9V in March 2009
6Y9V, again by Chad WE9V in March 2010 6Y1V David, Nov. 2009
8P – Barbados

8P9DX by Glenn ,VA3DX, many QSOs since 1993 8P9HT and also 8P9Z by John, K4BAI
8P9JT in Sept.2000 by PA3EWP and Dutch Group 8P5A by W2SC in CQWW CW 2005
8P9JG by Tom W2SC in CQWW Nov. 2009

C6 – Bahamas
C6AGN by Bill, KM1E, almost every year QRV C6AIE by John, WZ8D, in 1998
C6ALK by Brian, K7RE, in Feb. 2004 C6ANM, Tom in 2009 and 2010
G6AGU by George, AA7JV, and Tomi, HA7RY in 2008-2011 testing antennas for big Pacific DXpeditions
CO7RG Bob in March 1986, SSB CO7ZZ Raul on CW in Feb. 2001
T46RRC and T48RRC a Russian DXpedition, Feb.2013
FG5BG George worked in 1993 FG5FR Frantz in Jan. 2000
Another one by Mike, K9NW, Oct.2005
TO5FJ, op. Paul F6EXV, a new DXCC country worked in Jan. 2008

FM5WD first FM worked in 1986 on SSB FM5BH Laurent, a 160m beacon from the Caribbean
FM5CD Michel, one of the most famous DXpeditions
FS/WX9E and FS/N0BSH wkd in Jan/Feb. 1996 FS/DL7DF, another DXpedition by Sigi in Feb. 2006
HH7PV Pat, active only in SSB, wkd in 1987 HH4/K4QD from a Christian Mission in Apr. 2009
HI – Dominican Republic

HI8A op. by Aki JA5DQH in Mar. 1992 Pete NO2R wkd from HI3 in Oct.1995
Another one by Sigi DL7DF in Mar. 2001 Harry RA3AUU wkd from HI3 in Mar. 2003
KI7VR/HI9 Bruce wkd in Jan. 2004
J3 – Grenada

J38FR in Oct. 1996 by Sigi DL7DF Group J39A in CQWW CW 1996

J3/K4LTA Bill in Feb. 1998 J38PA by the Low
Land DX Team, Aug. 2001
J3/DL5AXX in Nov. 2007 J3/DL7CM in Nov. 2008
J38XX by DL5AXX, Feb. 2010

J6 – St. Lucia
J68AK in Nov. 1996 J6DX in CQWW CW contest 1998
J6/G3PJT Bob, March 2010

J77J in CQWW CW 1994 by KQ1F J79AA by John K4BAI in Nov. 1994

J75A by N6ZS in Feb. 1995 J75A by the Low
Land DX Team, Oct. 2002
J79IX by W4IX and J79RV by KK9K, Feb. 2006 J79WR by John G3LZQ in March 2009

J8 – St. Vincent
J8/DF2SS Fred on Jan. 1st, 1998 J8PA by the Low
Land DX Team, Aug. 2001