DS4CNB/3, wkd Dec. 1998 HL3IUA Choi, many QSO’s since 1999
6K2AVL Yoon, Feb. 2005 DS1REE Park, Jan. 2009

DS5JMG Lee, Dec. 2009 HL5IVL Kim, almost daily QRV since 2010
HL4CJG , Jan. 2011 HL4GHT Kim, Feb. 2011
DS2GWM Lee, Jan. 2011
9M0C, big DXpedition Feb. 1998 by G3SED, G3XTT and RSGB Group
9M4SLL, international DXpedition March 2013
HS – Thailand
HS1AZ by KL7Y, N6ZZ, OH2KI & Co., Oct.1996 HS72B for 72nd birthday of the Queen, Nov. 2004
VU4 – Andaman & Nicobar is.
VU4RG by DL5DSM & DJ7JC, Oct. 2008
XU7ACB by Dick N6FF (SK), Dec. 2002 XU7ACY by Peter NO2R, every year since 2004
XU7XRO by John 9M6XRO, Feb. 2007

XV7SW by Rolf SM5MX, Feb. 1997 3W5FM by Vlad UA0FM, Mar. 1997
XV1X op. Eddy, Feb. 2004 XV4D another one by Sigi DL7DF Group, Nov. 2009
XW30 by Erik SM0AGD, Zorro JH1AJT and group, Jan. 1998
XZ1N by OH2BH, K5VT, K7ZV and group, Nov. 1996